F Easy Unisex Crochet Project | tamdoll's workspace

Easy Unisex Crochet Project

March 13, 2019
tamdoll's Unisex Wrist Warmers Quick Crochet Project for Instructables contest
Instructables had a call for entries in a "Warm & Fuzzy" contest recently, and I thought this would be the perfect category to finally enter something. I love the Instructables website and a good challenge, so I brainstormed about a problem I've been having in order to figure out a solution.

My coat sleeves are always too short so the idea was easy to come up with - customizable cuffs that can bridge the gap between sleeve and glove, and I created my first Instructable with this "Unisex Wrist Warmers Quick Crochet Project".

I didn't make it into the Finalists of the contest, but the project did get chosen by the editors to be a Featured project in the Crafts category, so that was pretty exciting.

You can find the how-to here: https://www.instructables.com/id/Unisex-Wrist-Warmers-Quick-Crochet-Project/. The project can be worked up really quickly, with just about any yarn you may have on hand.

Have any problems that are easily solved by a quick craft project?

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