F What Do You See? | tamdoll's workspace

What Do You See?

April 1, 2012

“It’s not what you look at that matters; it’s what you see.”

- Henry David Thoreau

Last week while driving, it started to snow, then hail, then rain.  At a stop light I pulled out my camera and tried to capture it on film….

tamdoll raindrops

Not the picture I was hoping for, but still interesting.  Flakes kept melting as soon as they hit the glass.  I had to take pictures quickly before the light changed and the driver in front of me started to wonder why I was aiming a camera in his direction. 

“It’s not what you look at that matters; it’s what you see.”  It’s a simple pleasure to see the beauty and to be fascinated by nature and everyday things. 


  1. A true blogger indeed! And I've yet to experience snow. Just a tiny bit of hail in Singapore many many years ago (it never happened again) and once in Korea.

    Nowadays when I go anywhere to eat, once the food is brought to the table, everyone takes out his camera and starts shooting. My family included.

  2. Tammy, neat picture. And it's so weird to experience different weather in such a short span of time.

  3. Dearest sweet tammy, this is gorgeous! I love love this photo so much and you know when i first lay eye on it. I see like this photo is taken under water ~ looking up! Gorgeous! Happy Easter!! I hope it was wonderful! Wishing you a lovely merry happy wekeend and love to you!


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