F Giveaway Winner | tamdoll's workspace

Giveaway Winner

June 30, 2010

Last Wednesday, I mentioned  being featured on a website and receiving a wonderful package of batting that I wanted to share with a reader.  I entered commenter's names into a file and numbered each line… then went to Random.org to pick a winner between 1 & 25…..  Wouldn’t you know it, the first pick was Storybeader who said “…I don't use batting, so if I'm picked, try again! {:-D”….

Random number generating

So… I tried again….

Thea is the winner!

Thea is the winner!  If I don’t get you soon by email, then please be sure to contact me!  Leave a comment here or email tamdoll – at- comcast – dot – net so I can find out where to mail your package. 


  1. Congrats to the winner!! :)

    Hope you are doing well. Hugs!

  2. 14 minus 1 and I would have been the winner! Congrats to the winner.

  3. Yay!! Thanks so much, and I'll email you. I should enter contests more often ...

  4. congrats Thea! I usually never get picked for giveaways - that's funny lol


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