F Favorite Material - Yarn | tamdoll's workspace

Favorite Material - Yarn

May 7, 2010
This week’s EtsyBloggers Blog Carnival is going to be hosted by Made By Melissa (sometime Monday you’ll be able to see team member’s answers to these questions over at her site).  Two questions for today are:
1) Mother's Day is May 10 - tell us how you will be spending the holiday …
2) What is your favorite material to work with and why?
Since I’m so opinionated, I’ll have two answers today!  But #1 will have to wait.  On Sunday I’d like to go to the Sheep & Wool Festival – if the weather holds out and my family cooperates – I’ll attend and blog about it on Sunday with lots of pictures.
Tamdoll's Workspace
As for #2… that’s a tough one.  If I really had to chose between yarn and fabrics, yarn would have to win.  I can do so much with it and it’s portable – which is HUGE for me since I hate being idle and carrying around a project at all times keeps me sane.  I can embellish it with beads if I want to.  I can knit with my eyes closed & I’m loving crochet right now since I’ve learned how to these last few years.  Maybe it should win just for longevity… I’ve been knitting since I was around 11 or 12.  That’s a long time!
When you make something with yarn, it’s ok to touch it – to feel the textures worked into it by hand, whether it’s a bumpy stitch, the softness of a luxury fiber, or a sturdy felted piece.  It’s very personal to make and to use or wear something made with yarns.

And [theoretically] when I’m in the rhythm of working on a project, I can sit for hours with needles or hook and my hands will be busy.. instead of snacking!  I can even take it with me to the park and knit a simple project while I go on paths.  It keeps me company on long car trips, too.
wool bags1. Wool Handbag, 2. Felted KnitWhits Handbag, 3. felted bowls
When I started writing, I thought it would be hard to chose between yarn and fabric, but I see now that my favorite material is clear.  For today at least…. 
What’s your favorite?


  1. What darling things! And yes, portability gets my vote.

    Not much of what I do is portable, though, so for a favorite...It's actually pretty broad. Whatever I'm doing, I get satisfaction from using recycled materials. Something about giving an unexpected use and life to discards.

  2. Your crochet bracelets are gorgeous. My crochet skills is quite beginner even tho' I really love crochet work.

  3. Oh what a purty, tantalizing post! So many yummies, so little $...LOL

  4. You have such a great variety of items you've made with yarn! I can see why it's your favorite :)

  5. My favourite is fabric, especially natural fibres and if there's texture - I'm sunk! I do like to knit and crochet too though; I have a few knitting projects on the go but they are very basic!

  6. Love the donuts. Wish I could knit or crochet--I can't! And it's not for lack of trying, believe me. So it's with a green eye that I look at your handy work. Really great stuff.
    I love all kinds of paper and tape, anything I can cut or poke or fold.


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