F Let 2010 Begin | tamdoll's workspace

Let 2010 Begin

January 15, 2010
This week’s EtsyBlogger topic that I chose to discuss is “Now that 2010 is here, what do you have planned/look forward to/hope to accomplish this year?” The blog carnival featuring team answers will be hosted by BeadedTail on January 18th.
I’m usually stubbornly opposed to “resolutions” and I’ve had to-do lists here in the past, mentioned goals about a week ago… but this year, and from here on!, I’m going to be more focused (kept backspacing over “try to be”).

One thing I know I MUST do is schedule “work” time into my calendar.  And I have to be specific.  I sell items locally, and I have an etsy shop – both have been neglected because I can’t seem to get things delivered on time – and then I give up.  Kind of like cheating on a diet once and then binging for a week straight because of a little slip.

my favorite datebook

One major goal is to have my shop items ready in advance for seasons and holidays.  How will I do this?  I’m planning to have seasonal items ready one month ahead of events and dates.  Having that scheduled will help me to meet a deadline.  I’ll put a to-do list on my agenda weeks in advance to make sure I work on projects each week.  If I plan early enough, I should also have a number of items that I can predict I’ll be ready with.  Quantifiable goals – important so I’m accountable and have something to work towards.  

How else can I do this?  Give up a few things and only work on what’s important to me.  I’m whittling down my commitments – the ones that don’t help me reach my goals – or make me feel burdened with responsibility.  (If you’ve been reading this blog, I mentioned dropping out of a few Etsy groups earlier this month.)
sneak peek

Besides the sparks of inspiration and seasonal items I want to make (love birds coming out this weekend!) I also want to make a series of dolls this year.  I have a plan, I even sketched them.  They’re going on my calendar … soon.  I haven’t made dolls in years! 

Aside from things to sell, I have projects that have piled up over the years.  U.F.O.s that need some attention.  Things for myself, my house, my family.  They’re going to get done on Thursdays.  Even if I work, I can get a stitch or two done – blogged about it yesterday and have accepted the Artful Thursday Challenge to use it or lose it in 2010.

Just one more thing – I want to rework my logo – any design suggestions?  This is what I’ve come up with so far - Tamdoll's new banner
I want to keep all the elements I have, but feel like I just need to tweak it a little more.  I wonder how everyone else comes up with their designs.  Maybe I can stitch a mountain and scan that image in to use on the banner.  I don’t want to change the mountain design/colors too much so I don’t have to update my avatars or buttons all over the internet.


  1. like the idea of working on ufo on Thursdays! Banner suggestion: add something that you've made to it! It has to be a favorite, because you don't want to be changing the banner all the time. {:-D

  2. I agree put some of your fantastic makes as a banner birds and letters are so far my fav's
    God Bless x


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