F Holiday Ornaments | tamdoll's workspace

Holiday Ornaments

December 11, 2008




three linen ornaments

Been making some linen, heart-shaped ornaments to sell with embroidered words, sterling silver charms.  I think this evening I'll make a few more of these, but instead want to work on a house motif.  My craft room smells heavenly with the scent of cloves!

Some more ornaments based on the Lion Brand pattern for Amigurumi Frosted Donuts; also brought these to Apotheca, you can see them hanging on a tree in the shop in my last blog post.

click to visit my ravelry page

Blog readers, if you like my pictures, thanks! Please! Please! If you copy any to use on your own blog, just drop me a comment on any of my posts or send me an email (tamdoll(at)comcast(dot)net) and make sure you give me credit with a link back here.  I'd appreciate it and it would save me a lot of time figuring out where my links are coming from.


  1. Hi Tamdoll, you deserve credit for these pictures, they're really eyecatching! Also--thank you for pointing out our sterling silver charms to your readers.


    at Rings & Things

  2. These ornaments are so cute...love the green ones with the berries!

  3. Thanks so much! I had a lot of fun making these tiny creations this year.


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