F Staying Clean & Hooking | tamdoll's workspace

Staying Clean & Hooking

March 8, 2008
Might as well go with the trend & tell you about a friend I have that hooks rugs & makes soap. You liked that title, didn't you?? She has some delicious soaps in her shop as well as a few of her hand hooked mug-rugs. Want to smell like chocolate while you sip your coffee and place it on a handmade coaster? Visit simplesoap.etsy.com ! But don't eat the soap....

Now you can get a laugh. Once upon a time, we were at a craft fair showing our wares... Ms. SimpleSoap likes to put out shavings so people can take some of her soap to the restroom and try it out. It looks so good... and along comes a lady who takes a sliver and... you guessed it... puts it in her mouth. We sat there, open mouthed as we watched her walk away - AND NEVER SPIT IT OUT. Now, it smells tempting, and looks like candy, but I wouldn't recommend eating it. (You will certainly smell delicious when you wash with it!)

1 comment:

  1. Haha, how horrible that she ate it! Nice photos and how nice to blog about a fellow friend that also sells at etsy. I so want to try rug hooking myself, maybe this week even.


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