F Not Project Runway | tamdoll's workspace

Not Project Runway

February 21, 2008

I really wanted to participate in this Teeny Project Runway idea over at the Mason-Dixon Knitting blog (2/8/08 post, scroll down to the big chicken). I couldn't stop laughing at the idea of making something for a non-bear animal and then ... my mind was working ... I'd take pictures of the Frangelina in her fabulous new ruffle-edge bolero and style her on a virtual runway, striking a pose and looking glamorous. The more I knit and loved the idea, the more I ripped out. Over and over again, until.... despair set in. I just don't have enough time to do this before the 25th. Well, maybe despair is a bit dramatic. Let's just say disappointment then. (*insert loud sigh here*)

I'll think of something to work on, I just seem to be in limbo. I need something that is going to motivate me, something that I really want to complete. I actually have a few half worked on projects going right now - maybe that's the problem. Maybe I'm spread too thin to focus.

If anyone notices that my pictures here, at my etsy shop or flickr are too dark, please let me know! I've only heard this from a few people, but I'm concerned that this might be affecting sales at my etsy shop. I'm working on a flat screen at home.

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