F Snowed In | tamdoll's workspace

Snowed In

February 14, 2007
inches of snow early in the day
It was so refreshing to wake up this morning and see all the whiteness out the window. Here are my feet, buried already before noon. It is so peaceful and beautiful when it snows - I really love it. (That's my tripod next to me)


Here's one project I thought we'd get to today. I ordered an "L" for my daughter's bedroom wall and she will be decorating it with scrapbook papers she picked up at the local shop. There are wonderful fonts to pick from - check out this site to see the selection. The ones that Deb has decorated herself are fantastic, and inspiring, too!

My daughter sprained her thumb, so I don't think we'll get to this one yet... If she can't do homework because of the pain, then she can't work on this either. When it is done, we'll post pictures here.

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